Wool & Stock

your wool team
Nutrien Wool has a long tradition of top quality service and products to help you maximise returns for your wool clip. Your team servicing the Boyup Brook area and surrounds consists of Warren Miller and Matthew Chambers.
With nearly thirty years experience in all sections of the wool industry, Warren is a wealth of knowledge on market trends, forward pricing and selling options. Warren has extensive contacts throughout the wool trade he uses to keep one step ahead of the market and provide the best advice he can to growers.
Matthew is based in Boyup Brook and covers the whole South West as the Wool Area Manager for Landmark. He has 10 years experience as a farmer and shearer in the area and has recently moved back after completing his training in Spearwood. He also manages the South West Wool Centre in Bridgetown, buying small clips and oddments. He can arrange pick up or you can deliver it to the store. Call Matt for a competitive price on oddments today.
Some of products we offer include:
- Auction
- Forward pricing
- Shearing advances ($450/bale, 6 weeks interest free)
- Mill direct
- On farm clip inspection
- Up to date market information
Matt and Warren can be contacted any time for information on any of these products or services.
Click here to find out how you can get up to $450/bale interest free shearing advance
The Wool Weekly
For all the latest prices, statistics, market commentary and more, download your free copy of the Wool Weekly.
Unit 2, 9 Rose Street, Bridgetown
Matthew Chambers: 0467 781 166
Warren Miller: 0428 838 636

Katanning Sheep Sales
To nominate your sheep to be sold at the Katanning sale yards please contact Matt Chambers before 10.30am Tuesdays.
Matthew Chambers: 0467 781 166
For all your cattle requirements please contact:
Jamie Abbs - 0409 001 546